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Sunday, August 29, 2021

How to fix the beginning of the zipper? (Kako popraviti pocetak rajsfeslusa?)

Problem: The right side of the zipper on the sweatshirt will not enter the left side.

Solution: scissors.

When I lived in the apartment before this, it was very cold (freezer cold). On the tiles in the kitchen, in front of the sink, I put a sweatshirt with a zipper to make me feel warmer. Sometimes I even wore slippers. Sometimes I stepped on the beginning of the zipper with my slipper.

When I moved I washed my sweatshirt, got dressed and tried to button it up. I failed. I thought about what might be and realized I flattened the two sides. I needed something like screwdriver to separate those two sides. Since I don't have that, I took scissors.

I pushed the top of the scissors into the opening and turned a little to the right.

The right side entered without a problem.

Note: I have a carrot manicure on my nails :) The day before, I left the root vegetables in the freezer. If you are interested, you can read in the article - How to freeze root vegetables?

Problem: desna strana rajsfeslusa na duksu nece da udje u levu stranu.

Resenje: makaze.

Kad sam zivela u stanu pre ovog bilo je jako hladno (zamrzivac hladno). Na plocice u kuhinji, ispred sudopere, stavila sam duks s rajsfeslusom kako bi mi bilo toplije. Ponekad sam nosila i papuce. Ponekad sam papucom nagazila na pocetak rajsfeslusa.

Kad sam se preselila, oprala sam duks, obukla i pokusala da zakopcam. Nisam uspela. Razmisljala sam o tome sta bi moglo biti i shvatila da sam spljostila dve strane. Trebala sam nesto kao srafciger da odvojim te dve strane. Posto ja to nisam imala, uzela sam makaze.

Stavila sam vrh makaza u otvor i okrenula malo na desno.

Desna strana usla je bez problema.

Napomena: na noktima imam sargarepa manikir :) Dan pre, stavljala sam korenasto povrce u zamrzivac. Ako vas zanima, mozete procitati u clanku - Kako zamrznuti korenasto povrce?

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