Sunday, August 29, 2021

How to rearrange kitchen hanging elements? (Kako preurediti kuhinjske visece elemente?)

Problem: the interior of the kitchen elements is made of iron, some parts are rusty and there are nails that you can stab or scratch. This is how it was with me.

Solution: self-adhesive wallpaper that can be cleaned with dry kitchen towel.

Required: self-adhesive wallpaper, scissors, ruler, pencil, paper, duct tape.

Note: save the paper from which you remove the self-adhesive wallpaper, if you have protruding nails, like me :)


1) Measure the width, length and height of the inner part or parts of the kitchen elements. It is important to know the width of the self-adhesive wallpaper per meter. This is what you need to know in order to  know how many meters to buy.

1 + 2 kitchen elements


2) Measure and calculate on paper how much you need for which part of the kitchen element.

3) Mark on the back of the self-adhesive wallpaper with a pencil.

and cut with scissors.

4) Depending on your design, decide whether to glue with lines in width or length.

5) You can glue self-adhesive wallpaper from one larger part or from several smaller parts. I glued the lower part and the shelves from one larger part, and the part along the height or "back" of the kitchen part and sides, I glued from several smaller parts.

Take off a piece of self-adhesive wallpaper. Start with the side that is easier for you to glue. It was easier for me to glue it from the far corner from me. Glue a piece of self-adhesive wallpaper to the corner of the kitchen element and run your fingers over to the other side, along the length. Then in the same way, glue in width, a few cm, and then align in length. Small step by small step :)

6) If you encounter an obstacle :) cut with scissors, along the height to the lower, flat part and continue gluing. Also, if you want, cut the part at the fold (where screws are), ie below the fold.

7) Then cut smaller pieces of self-adhesive wallpaper and glue them to the rest of the kitchen element.

8) Glue self-adhesive wallpaper to the sides of the kitchen element. You can glue a larger part, and fix the rest with smaller parts of self-adhesive wallpaper.

9) Then glue the "back" of the kitchen element with self-adhesive wallpaper. My central shelf is pushed from the left side to middle, next to the "back" and from middle to the right side is away from the shelf.

10) From all the parts, both large and small, from which you removed the self-adhesive wallpaper, we will make a protection for protruding nails :)

Fold most of it in half, then in half, repreating the process,

up to a square/rectangle size of about 2 to 2.5 cm or more if the area to be covered is larger.

Cut two strips of self-adhesive wallpaper, not wider than square.

Put over nail.

Glue with cut strips like a cross over the square. Depending on how much uncovered paper you have left, cut strips of width so that everything can be covered nicely. When gluing the tape, press the edges of the square with your fingers so that it sticks nicely.

11) Finally, stick the right side with self-adhesive tape.

Of course you can choose the order of gluing with self-adhesive tape. I went in this order as in the pictures.

Problem: unutrasnjost kuhinjskih elemenata je od gvozdja, na nekim delovima je zardjalo i postoje ekseri na koje se mozete ubosti ili ogrebati. Ovako je bilo kod mene.

Resenje: samolepljivi tapet koji moze da se brise. 

Potrebno: samolepljivi tapet, makaze, lenjir, olovka, papir, selotejp.

Napomena: papir sa kog skidate samolepljivi tapet sacuvati, ako imate eksere koji vire, kao ja :)


1) Izmerite sirinu, duzinu i visinu unutrasnjeg dela ili delova kuhinjskih elemenata. Bitno je da znate sirinu samolepljivog tapeta po metru. Ovo vam je potrebno da znate koliko metara da kupite.

2) Izmerite i izracunajte na papiru koliko vam je potrebno za koji deo kuhinjskog elementa.

3) Na poledjini samolepljivog tapeta oznacite olovkom

i isecite makazama.

4) Zavisno od vaseg dezena, odlucite da li cete lepiti sa linijama po sirini ili po duzini.

5) Samolepljivi tapet mozete lepiti iz jednog veceg dela ili iz vise manjih delova. Ja sam donji deo i police lepila iz jednog veceg dela, a deo po visini ili "ledja" kuhinjskog dela i stranice, lepila sam iz vise manjih delova.

Skinuti cosak samolepljivog tapeta. Poceti od strane koja vam je laksa za lepljenje. Meni je bilo lakse od daljeg coska od mene. Zalepiti coska samolepljivog tapeta u cosak kuhinjskog elementa i prstima prelaziti preko do druge strane, po duzini. Zatim na isti nacin, lepiti po sirini, nekoliko cm, a zatim poravnati po duzini. Mic po mic :) 

6) Ako naidjete na prepreku :) makazama isecite po visini do donjeg, ravnog dela i nastavite sa lepljenjem. Takodje, ako zelite, isecite i deo kod pregiba tj. ispod pregiba.

7) Zatim isecite manje delove samolepljivog tapeta i zalepite na ostatak kuhinjskog elementa.

8) Samolepljivi tapet zalepiti na stranice kuhinjskog elementa. Mozete zalepiti jedan veci deo, pa ostatak popraviti sa mnjim delovima samolepljivog tapeta.

9) Zatim samolepljivim tapetom zalepiti "ledja" kuhinjskog elementa. Moja sredisnja polica, je s leve strane do pola prigurana tik uz "ledja", a od pola na desnu stranu odmaknuta.

10) Od svih delova, i krupnih i sitnih sa kojih ste skinuli samolepljivi tapet, napravicemo zastitu za eksere koji vire :)

Veci deo savitijati na pola, pa na pola, ponavljajuci postupak,

sve do velicine kvadrata/pravougaonika oko 2 do 2.5 cm ili vise ako je veca povrsina koju treba da prekrijete. 

Iseci dve trake od samolepljivog tapeta, ne sire od kvadrata. 

Staviti preko eksera, 

Isecenim trakama zalepiti kao krst preko kvadrata. Zavisno koliko vam je ostalo nepokrivenog papira, seci trake sirine tako da moze sve lepo da se pokrije. Prilikom lepljenja traka, uz ivice kvadrata pritisnuti prstima da se lepo prilepi.

11) Na kraju samolepljivom trakom zalepiti i desnu stranicu.

Naravno mozete birati redosled lepljenja samolepljivom trakom. Ja isla ovim redom kao na slikama.

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